
Ya Allah, tidak ada kemudahan kecuali sesuatu yang Engkau permudahkan, Engkau menjadikan kedukaan itu mudah sekiranya Engkau kehendaki.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Trimming Mp3

Senang nak save surah2 yang nak di hafal.

To trim MP3 files.

3. Yahoo! Media Player
If you maintain an MP3 blog or run a podcast and regularly link to MP3 files, it makes little sense to embed a separate Flash player with every MP3 file. I would therefore recommend using the Yahoo! Media Player that auto-detects links to MP3 files in your web pages and creates an embedded player for each link.
All you have to do is insert the following link in your blog template and all MP3 hyperlinks will be converted into inline MP3 players. This also has the shuffle feature and visitors can easily skip to any song in the playlist. Excellent stuff.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>,

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Bacaan Al-Quran 30 Juzuk, 114 Surah.